Browser Compatibility
The website will be down intermittently from 11:00 PM Saturday, July 27th, to 6:00 AM Central Time on Sunday, July 28th, for regularly scheduled maintenance. We apologize for any inconvenience. The website will be down intermittently from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM Central Time on Tuesday, July 30th, for regularly scheduled maintenance. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Recommended Browsers
Internet Explorer
All features of this site will work properly in Internet Explorer versions 8 through 11.
Microsoft Edge
All features of this site will work properly in Microsoft Edge.
All features of this site will work properly in Firefox.
All features of this site will work properly in Safari.
This site will work properly on an iPad/iPhone with the exception of uploading/downloading documents and exporting reports.

Compatible Browsers
This website should work properly in Opera. However, it has not been tested.
Google Chrome
This website should work properly in Google Chrome. However, it has not been tested.
Android Phones
This website should work properly on Android Phones. However, it has not been tested.
This website should work properly on Nook or Kindle devices. However, it has not been tested.

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